Services Providers'
(PSAQ) 2024

Payments Services Providers' Self-Assessment Questionnaire (PSAQ) 2024

PSAQ is issued by Bank Negara Malaysia (the Bank) to the following reporting entities (REs) pursuant to section 143(2) of Financial Services Act (FSA) 2013 and section 34(2) of Money Services Business Act (MSBA) 2011:

i. Approved non-bank* issuer of electronic money (e-money);
ii. Approved non-bank* issuer of credit card;
iii. Approved non-bank* issuer of charge card;
iv. Registered merchant acquirers; and
v. Licensed money services business.

*Refers to approved issuer of e-money, credit card or charge card who is not a licensed person under the FSA, or a prescribed institution under the Development Financial Institutions Act (DFIA) 2002.


The Bank may require documentary evidence to support the responses provided in the PSAQ.
REs are advised to use PSAQ as a self-assessment tool to help identify gaps and areas of improvements in complying with the regulatory requirements.

Submission Period

Sector Timeline
Open Close Duration
Approved non-bank issuers of designated payment instruments (DPI) 15 January 15 April 3 months
Registered non-bank merchant acquirers
Licensed money services business 15 May 15 August

Please be reminded that non-submission or delay in submission contravenes section 143(1) and 143(4) of the FSA and section 34(1) of the MSBA.

1. Please answer truthfully and ensure accuracy of the responses. Submission of inaccurate or false information to the Bank is an offence under section 143(3) of the FSA and section 35 of the MSBA, and REs shall be liable to imprisonment and/or fine, if convicted;

2. Submission in form or manner other than those specified by the Bank i.e. via this portal contravenes section 143(4) of the FSA;

3. Approval of the PSAQ by the Board of Directors of the reporting institution is required prior to the submission of the PSAQ to the Bank;

4. Only completed PSAQ will be accepted and processed by the Bank; and

5. Once the PSAQ is submitted, the submission is deemed as final and the Bank will not entertain any requests to make any amendments to the submission.

Click the button* below to begin the PSAQ.

‌*Note: By clicking the button, you have read and understood the information provided above.

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Attention: Prior clicking the above button, please ensure you have completed the required registration and understood the Sign-In procedures which is communicated to you via e-mail.

Submission Period: 
15 January 2024 to 15 April 2024

Contact Us

​​​ ​​ ​For further details on the PSAQ, please refer to the frequently asked question (FAQ) document. Should you have any additional queries related to the PSAQ, please submit the queries to